Friday, February 4, 2011

Myopia |Improve Your Eyesight Naturally

The global prevalence of Myopia is estimated from 800 million to 2.3 billion.
My daughter and I were two of the millions of people diagnosed with Myopia in 2009. As a mother, I wanted to know more about myopia, (the cause, and treatment) was there a cure. I searched on and off-line. I read many articles on the subject. My daughter started wearing glasses and later went on to wearing contact lenses; I on the other hand started buying reading glasses for the local drug store.

While visiting the local health-food store I stumbled upon a book titled “The Master Cleanser” by Stanley Burroughs. I had tried “The Master Cleanse” with a few of my friends and found it to be very cleansing and beneficial as a weight loss program, but I had never read the book. On page 43 of the book, I read a formula for eye drops. Below is a quote from page 43:The Master Cleanser

Special Formula for Eye Drops
This formula has been used with most excellent results for many years with absolutely no dangerous side effects…Many cases of glaucoma, cataracts, spots, film, and growths of various kind have completely disappeared…Many people have completely overcome the necessity for glasses. In ALL cases, eyes have improved greatly. Most people would do well to learn and perform eye exercises to insure the retention of normal vision. (Burroughs, 1976)
I bought the book (The Master Cleanse) and the three items necessary to create the eye drops. I purchase an eye-drop bottle at the local pharmacy, went home and put the formula together in less than 5 minutes.
After about a month of using the eye-drops, I began to notice an improvement in my vision and decided to look for an eye exercise program to help increase the correction of my vision; that is when I came across the program discovered by Dr. William H. Bates, “Vision Without Glasses.”
Vision Without Glasses
My daughter and I have been utilizing this method for over a year now, and neither my daughter nor I are wearing glasses or contacts as of this publication. We have joined the ranks of a few hundred people who have taken responsibility for their eyesight, done the necessary research and are truly living the life of “Vision without Glasses,” Improving our eyesight naturally.

My daughter and I are no longer numbered with the 800 million to 2.3 billion Myopia suffers around the world.

Do your research; know the facts and improve eyesight naturally. Act now… your eyesight depends on it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Far-sightedness “Presbyopia” or Near-Sightedness “Myopia”

Far-sightedness “Presbyopia” or Near-Sightedness “Myopia” are 2 of the most common visual ailments. Both ailments effect vision and the distance seen when looking at objects. Both ailments are curable on their own if allowed. Roughly, all eye ailments are caused from bad habits learned as children, and cause tension on the eyes.
The eyeballs elongating bring this about.  This ailment is caused by habits, which include only looking at objects close up for long periods. This starts out in school age children, required to learn things from books and other materials requiring close contact focus.
Myopia develops into a problem due to strain on the eyes, pressure, anxiety, or frustration. The pressure young children have to succeed is sizable. When information is boring, it is actually difficult to learn. Looking at information for prolonged periods without a break can cause the eyes to strain on close up information.
Near-sightedness contributes to mental strain and psychological concerns. Myopia can be part of an anxiety or apprehension about the future. Subconsciously the person may be afraid of what lays ahead of them and are unable to look ahead to the future. In this circumstance, they are at ease where they are and feel secure in their close up world.
Presbyopia is the capacity to see things in the far-off but not things close up. Far-sightedness starts affecting people in their 40s. This is when the lenses start to harden. The muscles around the eye can still be train to drive the eyes to contract even with harden lenses. This ailment is alleged to be part of getting older, so we just accept the problem and get specs. We allow our eyes to become lazy and learn to rely on artificial lenses to get us through each day.
Presbyopia can also be ‘all in the mind’. People start to look too far to the future and refuse to look at things right in front of them. They allow their focus to be on retreat instead of on fixing the leaking faucet today.
Both these ailments are avoided by allowing the eyes to move around naturally daily. If you are studying something up close for the majority of the day, spend an hour or so viewing things in the distance. If you are looking at things, far away grab a book and read some pages.

Discover a Simple, Yet Effective Method which Guarantee a Perfect Vision - Without any Dangerous and Expensive Surgery

Vision Without Glasses